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Our mission is to accelerate the move to a sustainable, low carbon economy and reduce the impact on the environment from our operations. In our role as CAFA, we are committed to: - Protecting the environment by delivering against our mission, preventing pollution and by minimising our direct environmental footprint. - Promoting good governance within the sustainability agenda to the members of our Collective, as well as dealing with aspects of poor practice. - Using sustainable development (meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs) as a guiding principle within our work. We will: - Promote responsibility for the environment within the organisation and communicate and implement this policy at all levels within the workforce. - We will assess the environmental impacts of our operations and set objectives and targets annually in order to improve our environmental performance. We will regularly review these targets. - Provide adequate resources to meet our commitment to this policy and the environment. - We will comply with all relevant environmental legislation/regulation. - Define and communicate to management, staff and contractor responsibilities so that all are aware of their individual obligations. - Train staff so that they can minimise our direct environmental footprint as an organisation. - Ensure that all our policies and services are developed in a way that is complimentary to this policy. - Take into account environmental considerations in our procurement. - Report our environmental performance in our annual report. - Encourage all Collective members, supporters, partners and other key stakeholders to commit to the sustainable development philosophy. - Reduce our organisations use of energy, water and minimise waste by reduction, re-use and recycling methods where possible, whether employees are working in the office or from home. - Conscious consideration to the level of travel required and the mode of travel, encouraging green transportation options. - Ensure the correct level of ‘offsetting’ is in place to neutralise carbon emissions as a result of long-distance travel if required. ​Additional Actions: We also responded to government targets by; Working with environmental specialists as required. Preparing and promoting our environmental policy and action plan. Setting up an Environmental Focus Group encouraging staff to make suggestions and decisions on operational practices. Arranging automatic shutdown of PC’s at an agreed time each evening. Monitoring utilities consumption in office buildings and home working and measuring impact of supply chain and company travel. Where appropriate, increasing recycling practices and optimising use of technological equipment. Promoting, encouraging, and rewarding green travel choices. The Management of CAFA/b2b and of each subsidiary will: Share its expectation of responsibility for the environment to employees, board members and secretariat service providers. Demonstrate clear commitment to the environment and lead by example, to ensure that the protection of the environment is promoted to all employees. Employees of CAFA will: - Be familiar with all the environment requirements relevant to their own activities and take responsibility for their own impact on the environment. CAFA Suppliers Will: - Share environmental and sustainability policies to CAFA and CAFA Secretariat to demonstrate. - Work with us to reduce their environmental impact where possible.​ Last updated: 09 September, 2024


Climate Action for Associations (CAFA) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults. We believe that all individuals, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion, belief, sex, or sexual orientation, have the right to be protected from harm, abuse, and exploitation. 1. This policy outlines our approach to ensuring the safety and protection of vulnerable individuals within our organisation. 2. Purpose of the Policy The purpose of this policy is to: - Protect children, young people, and vulnerable adults who participate in our services, events, and activities. - Provide staff, consultants, contractors, volunteers, and any other individuals working on behalf of CAFA with the guidance they need to effectively safeguard vulnerable individuals. - Outline the procedures to follow if there are safeguarding concerns, including reporting and managing allegations or incidents. 3. Scope of the Policy This policy applies to: •All staff (permanent and temporary), volunteers, trustees, and anyone acting on behalf of CAFA. •Contractors, partners, and external service providers who may come into contact with children, young people, or vulnerable adults in the course of their work with CAFA. •Anyone working with or representing the association who may encounter safeguarding concerns. 4. Legal Framework This policy is based on the following UK legislation and guidance: •Children Act 1989 and 2004 •Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 •Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) •Care Act 2014 •The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 •The Mental Capacity Act 2005 •Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (or most recent version) •The Equality Act 2010 5. Definitions Child A person under the age of 18. Vulnerable Adult A person aged 18 or over who is, or may be, in need of care and support due to physical or mental disability, illness, or age, and is unable to protect themselves from harm. Safeguarding The process of protecting individuals from abuse, neglect, harm, or exploitation, ensuring their health, safety, and well-being. Types of Abuse Abuse may include but is not limited to: •Physical Abuse: Hitting, shaking, burning, or causing physical harm. •Emotional Abuse: Intimidation, manipulation, or belittling. •Sexual Abuse: Involvement in any sexual act without consent. •Neglect: Failing to meet basic needs, including food, shelter, and medical care. •Financial Abuse: Misuse of funds or property, particularly in vulnerable adults. 6. Responsibilities CAFA will: •Ensure that safeguarding is a priority in all our activities. •Create a safe environment for children, young people, and vulnerable adults. •Take immediate action where safeguarding concerns arise. •Work closely with statutory services (e.g., police, local authorities) in responding to safeguarding issues. Trustees, Staff, and Volunteers •Understand and adhere to the safeguarding policy. •Report any concerns or allegations of abuse in line with reporting procedures. •Promote an environment where concerns can be raised without fear of reprisals. Safeguarding Lead •Act as the first point of contact for safeguarding concerns. •Ensure that all concerns and allegations are recorded and managed appropriately. •Liaise with statutory services (such as social services and the police) as needed. 7. Reporting and Responding to Safeguarding Concerns Recognising Concerns All staff, volunteers, and trustees should be alert to signs of abuse or neglect. These signs may include physical injuries, behavioural changes, withdrawal, or any other concerns about an individual’s welfare. Reporting Procedure If you suspect or become aware of a safeguarding issue: - Immediately report the concern to the Safeguarding Lead. - If the individual is in immediate danger, contact the emergency services by dialling 999. - Record the concern in writing, including all relevant details such as names, dates, times, and what was observed or disclosed. - Do not investigate the matter yourself—refer the concern to the appropriate authorities if required. - Whistleblowing CAFA encourages an open environment where staff and volunteers feel able to raise concerns. Anyone reporting a safeguarding concern in good faith will be protected from discrimination or victimisation. 8. Safe Recruitment CAFA will ensure that all staff, volunteers, and contractors are recruited using robust recruitment procedures. This includes: •Requiring references from previous employers. •Holding formal interviews with safeguarding questions included. 9. Managing Allegations Against Staff and Volunteers If an allegation of abuse is made against a member of staff or volunteer, CAFA will: - Suspend the individual while the allegation is investigated. - Report the allegation to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and follow their guidance. - Ensure that a thorough investigation is conducted in line with employment law and safeguarding procedures. - Maintain confidentiality for both the victim and the accused until a conclusion is reached. - Record Keeping and Confidentiality CAFA will maintain accurate and confidential records of all safeguarding concerns, referrals, and actions taken. These records will be stored securely and only accessible to those involved in the safeguarding process. 10. Review of Policy This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if there is a significant change in legislation or organisational practice. Feedback from staff, volunteers, and stakeholders will be considered as part of this review. Last Reviewed: 07 09 2024


1. Purpose The purpose of this Procurement Policy is to ensure that all CAFA procurement activities are conducted ethically, efficiently, sustainably and cost-effectively. This policy is designed to promote transparency, control costs, manage supplier relationships, and ensure compliance with all applicable regulations. 2. Scope This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and consultants involved in purchasing goods, services, and software for the business. It covers the procurement of office supplies, IT equipment, consulting services, software, and any other services or materials necessary to operate the business effectively. 3. Roles and Responsibilities •Managing Director: Responsible for overseeing procurement processes, selecting vendors, and ensuring compliance with this policy. •Employees: Responsible for adhering to this policy when requesting purchases or interacting with vendors. •Finance: Responsible for tracking purchases and invoicing vendors. 4. Procurement Process 4.1Needs Identification •When a department or employee identifies the need for goods or services, a request must be submitted to Managing Director. 4.2Approval Workflow •All purchases require approval from the business director or finance head. 4.3Quotation Process •For purchases under £1000, a minimum of one written quote from a vendor is required. •For purchases between £1,000 and £5,000, a minimum of two written quotes must be obtained. •For purchases over £5,000, three competitive quotes are required unless a preferred vendor agreement is in place. 4.4Supplier Selection •Vendors are selected based on price, quality, reliability, and the ability to meet delivery timelines. 5. Vendor Management •All new vendors must complete a vendor registration form and provide any necessary documentation (e.g., tax information, certifications). •Vendors will be evaluated annually based on performance, pricing, and service quality. Unsatisfactory performance will lead to corrective action, up to and including termination of the contract. •CAFA may designate preferred vendors based on long-term relationships, negotiated pricing, or specialised services. 6. Purchasing Methods •Purchases do not require a purchase order. •In cases where there is an urgent need, purchases may be made outside of the standard process. However, they must be documented and approved by the director. 7. Ethics and Compliance •Employees involved in the procurement process must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, such as personal relationships with suppliers. All decisions must be made impartially. •CAFA has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery or corruption. Gifts or incentives from vendors are not permitted unless approved by senior management. •All procurement activities must comply with local, state, and federal laws, including tax laws and licensing requirements. 8. Budget and Financial Controls •Budget Alignment: All purchases must align with the company’s approved budget. Purchases that exceed budgeted amounts must be justified and approved by the business owner or manager. •CAFA’S finance lead is responsible for ensuring cost control by negotiating with vendors and seeking the best possible pricing for all purchases. •Vendors must submit an invoice upon delivery of goods or completion of services. Payments will be processed within 30 days, or according to the terms of the contract. 9. Contract Management •All contracts over £5,000 must be reviewed by the business owner or managing partner before being signed. •Contracts should include standard terms such as payment terms, deliverables, warranties, and termination clauses. •Contracts should be reviewed 60 days before expiration to decide on renewal or renegotiation. 10. Risk Management •Supplier financial stability and performance will be monitored periodically. High-risk suppliers may require additional scrutiny or backup suppliers. •Vendors providing services on-site must carry liability insurance as specified in their contracts. 11. Record Keeping and Reporting •All procurement documents, including quotes, purchase orders, invoices, and contracts, must be stored securely for a minimum of five years. •Finance produces an annual report detailing procurement activities, total spending, and any vendor issues. 12. Employee Awareness •This procurement policy will be accessible to all employees and reviewed regularly. 13. Exceptions and Deviations •Any exception to this policy must be approved in writing by the business owner or managing partner. Requests for exceptions must include a justification and documentation supporting the need for deviation from the standard process. 14. Dispute Resolution In the event of a dispute with a vendor or internally related to the procurement process, the dispute will be escalated to senior management. If a resolution cannot be reached internally, CAFA may seek mediation or legal remedies, as appropriate. Last Reviewed 07 09 2024


Climate Action for Associations (CAFA) is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of our funds and resources, ensuring they are not misused for terrorist activities or subjected to fraud. This policy outlines our commitment to prevent misuse and corruption when providing support to partners and third parties. Policy Scope This policy applies to all programmes, initiatives and products belonging to CAFA. It encompasses all members of CAFA, including employees, board members, volunteers, contractors, and consultants. Partner organisations involved in our initiatives are also subject to this policy. Policy Principles •We are committed to upholding United Kingdom laws related to anti-terrorism financing, money laundering, and funds misuse. •We promote best practices to prevent funds misuse and corruption. •We integrate this policy within our organisational culture and ensure awareness among our personnel. •We assess the risk of terrorism financing and implement appropriate precautions. •We strive to understand and mitigate potential risks related to terrorism financing or money laundering. Implementation of the Policy a) Due Diligence for Partners •Each Partner will be evaluated for terrorism financing risk. •We will conduct due diligence on prospective Partners, including identity confirmation and screening against relevant lists. •Ongoing project visits and reviews will be conducted by our staff. b) Anti-Terrorism Practices for Partners •Partners must comply with the anti-terrorism financing laws of their operating countries. •We require Partners to have policies aligned with our principles. If lacking or insufficient, they must adopt our policy. c) Payments and Fund Transfers •All grant payments will be channelled through regulated financial institutions to approved beneficiaries. •Detailed records of fund transfers will be maintained. d) Monitoring and Reporting •We will monitor partner activities to ensure funds are used appropriately. •Additional precautions will be taken for Partners assessed as high risk. •Any suspicious activity will be promptly reported to our Directors. By adhering to this policy, CAFA remains committed to ethical conduct and safeguarding our resources against misuse, thereby contributing to a safer and more secure environment for our initiatives and partners. Last updated: 7th of September, 2024


Climate Action for Associations is committed to fostering equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within our workforce and membership, while also ensuring we eliminate unlawful discrimination in all aspects of our operations. Our goal is to create a truly inclusive and diverse environment, where all individuals feel respected, valued, and empowered to contribute their best toward our shared mission of combating climate change. We also aim to uphold these principles when engaging with the broader public, stakeholders, and other entities involved in our climate action initiatives. In doing so, we commit to opposing unlawful discrimination and promoting equality throughout our services, programmes, and partnerships. Purpose of This Policy This policy is designed to: 1.Provide equality, fairness, and respect for all individuals associated with our work, whether in full-time, part-time, or volunteer capacities. 2.Ensure compliance with the Equality Act 2010, not unlawfully discriminating on the basis of the following protected characteristics: oAge oDisability oGender reassignment oMarriage and civil partnership oPregnancy and maternity oRace (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin) oReligion or belief oSex oSexual orientation 3.Oppose and prevent all forms of unlawful discrimination in all aspects of our operations, including: oPay, benefits, and terms of engagement oRecruitment, promotion, and development opportunities oVolunteer roles, project involvement, and service contributions oDealing with grievances and disciplinary matters oSelection for climate action campaigns, programs, and training Our Commitments As a climate action association, we commit to: 1.Promoting Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) as Essential Values: We recognize that diverse perspectives and inclusive practices are critical to tackling climate change effectively. We will encourage EDI throughout our activities, as it fosters innovation, community engagement, and social justice. 2.Creating a Safe and Inclusive Environment: We strive to build a workplace and volunteer network that is free from bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination. We will promote dignity and respect for all, ensuring that individual differences are acknowledged and contributions from all members are valued. All members, staff, and volunteers will be trained and educated on their rights and responsibilities regarding EDI. This includes understanding their role in preventing discrimination and promoting equality in all of the association's activities. 3.Addressing Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment: We will take all complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination seriously, whether from staff, volunteers, partners, or the public. These will be dealt with promptly under our grievance and disciplinary procedures, which may result in appropriate action, including dismissal in cases of gross misconduct. Complaints related to sexual harassment or harassment as defined under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 will be treated with particular seriousness, and we will support individuals in both employment rights and potential criminal proceedings. 4.Providing Equal Access to Opportunities: We are committed to offering training, development, and progression opportunities to all, whether they are employees, volunteers, or members of our association. Everyone will be encouraged to develop their potential, contributing their skills and experiences to enhance our climate action efforts. 5.Merit-Based Decision Making: Decisions regarding recruitment, project involvement, or any other aspect of our work will be made solely on the basis of merit, unless exemptions are necessary under the Equality Act 2010 to achieve our EDI goals. 6.Reviewing Policies for Fairness: We will regularly review our employment and volunteer practices to ensure they remain fair, inclusive, and aligned with current legislation and best practices in the climate action sector. 7.Monitoring and Reporting on EDI: We will monitor the composition of our workforce and volunteers, collecting data on characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and others. This data will be used to assess the effectiveness of our EDI policies and to ensure we are meeting our stated commitments. We will review the policy and any related action plans annually, addressing any gaps or areas for improvement. Agreement to Follow This Policy This policy is fully endorsed by senior management and has been reviewed in consultation with employee and volunteer representatives, including [insert details as appropriate]. Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures Details on how to raise a grievance or report a concern regarding discrimination can be found in our Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures, available at [insert details as appropriate]. In general, grievances should be raised with a line manager or project lead. The use of these procedures does not affect the right of an individual to file a claim with an employment tribunal within three months of the alleged discriminatory act. This policy is part of our commitment to integrating equity, fairness, and inclusion into every aspect of our climate action work, ensuring a just transition for all.

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